
Zoho EventBrite Integration

How many times have you missed important events because there were unending business tasks? We assume this might have had happened at least once. Having said that, when you are running a business you never want to miss on new opportunities and events no matter how packed you are with your business prospects. Considering the same situation Techloyce has come up with a robust integration naming Zoho Eventbrite integration. This integration is for all those businesses who do not want to miss important events and want to refine their sales and overall audience. Before we dive into the Zoho Eventbrite integration let’s see what these two platforms bring to the table.

Zoho is an online complete office suite targeting almost every business facet. Starting from CRM to finance to bookkeeping, management to writing a document, video presentation to web conferencing. Zoho has targeted every nitty-gritty from a business point of view. Whereas, Eventbrite is an event planning and management software designed especially for businesses who find it a hassle to maintain their events, audience, and sales at the same time. Eventbrite usually helps end users or business clients to easily create events and sell tickets online through a fully customizable event page functionality. The platform makes it much tranquil for the users to set up and promote their business events and allows them to manage every detail with just a few clicks. The set events can also be promoted on social sites like Facebook and on other social media sites, while event registration can also be integrated with existing official/personal websites. Real-time progress tracking enables users to stay updated about their attendees and financials and helps them stay organized all along.

Zoho Integration with EventBrite

Another integration powered by Techloyce is Zoho CRM Eventbrite integration. This integration works as an extension for importing Events and Attendees from Eventbrite to Zoho CRM. In Zoho CRM Eventbrite integration a scheduler code executes automatically after every 2 hours by default for fetching events and attendees from Eventbrite to Zoho CRM, you just need to install and authenticate Eventbrite account with Zoho CRM. For the first time during installation of Eventbrite extension all of the events will be synced to the Zoho CRM activities module and attendees will be created in the contact module respectively. It will also check newly created and updated events in Eventbrite so that it can sync them back to Zoho CRM as well.

Whether you are interested in getting your hands on the complete Zoho Eventbrite integration or just one chunk of it which is Zoho CRM Eventbrite integration, Techloyce is the place for you. We have got both of these covered. You can get in touch with the concerned experts via sending us an email and we will get back to you shortly.

Zoho EventBrite-Appstore Documentation