
Sugar / Asterisk WebConnector & Integration

SugarCRM is most popular CRM software in the world, and it gives complete view of Customer related activities except telephony. Asterisk WebConnector for SugarCRM provides that missing link. It integrates with any SugarCRM version and install easily on any operating System.


  • Call Popup on incoming calls, outging calls allowing you to do multiple actions – like open contact, edit call details, or display information only. It checks Caller ID of the calling person against Contact, Accounts and Lead Modules.
  • Click to Call from Contact, Accounts and Leads module.
  • Complete call logs with automatic relations on leads / contacts module and automatic user assignment.
  • Ready made installer, easy to install – using standard SugarCRM plugin mechanism.
  • Can work with any version any edition of SugarCRM.
  • Allows you to configure Asterisk WebConnector settings and User extension settings through admin panel of SugarCRM.
  • Facility to link to recording files of each and every recordings.
  • Works in all environment. eg: Hosted CRM and onDemand CRM