
Zoho Case Study: Zoho Creator ADA App

General Information Zoho Creator ADA App: Case Study

Project Type:  Zoho Creator App development

Delivery Method: Releases and updates on Zoho Creator User Account

Owner: Otten Consulting Group: Accessibility Consultants

Project Team: Techloyce Ltd


Project requirements

  1. Otten Consulting Group is the nation’s premier ADA consulting firm which work in accessibility consulting, property assessments, expert witness and litigation, commercial design and construction, facility planning, project and construction management. They provide a complete range of turn-key services for accessibility compliance.
  1. Accessibility consultants require online platform for managing their client’s data. They inspect property, buildings, public schools and many other public facilities and need to manage their database with relation to their clients.

Zoho case study: They need web app where they can store data, create reports, generate pdf file, and easy to use web interface where they can import data from excel files or or from other format into application and create main reports. Main ADA report contains inspected property data with complete details for each Findings against each item along with images and provide recommendations for each findings.

Project Implementation

Their required system is implemented in Zoho CREATOR as a ADA app which provide easy to use web based interface, ability to generated reports, options for data import from different file formats. ADA app provides simple interface for creating main report for their client’s inspected property. It manage relations between different forms and using deluge script provides dynamically linked data for easily creating recommendation report.

Other Significant Aspects of the Project: 


 App is created using this platform, deluge script is used for handling data and dynamic views. Multiple data reports and forms linked and created relationship in Assessment data report for findings and recommendations. Custom script used for filtering related data for clients, field updates and generating main report. Record editing from any report also managed using deluge script and automation.


Main requirements will be achieved using zoho creator customization and deluge script and designed easy to use interface for account administrator.

Design Activities:

ADA app is designed from planned database; relations will be created based on requirements. Hierarchical database design created for main report to provide recommendation for clients inspected property.

Findings and Recommendations against each artifact is managed from main report. Clients record will be add into system from Clients Data forms and main report generated from Assessment Data form.

Information and Tools

Web based app can be accessed using all modern web browsers like Chrome, Safari, Firefox. It is also available in mobile apps

 Publishing: ADA app is published for for their account.

 Creator app Screens:  Zoho Case Study

 Main Report Dashboard


 Clients Data forms


 Main Findings report for Client


Findings and recommendations against each item inspections.

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