
Odoo Gravity Forms Integration

Put Your Lead Generation Process on Auto-pilot with Odoo Gravity Forms Integration

Customer relationship management requires generating leads and then successfully converting them to manage their customer lifecycle with supported CRM and automation tools. Nowadays, when market trends and growth have placed customers at the centre of their businesses, it is essential that your CRM solution allows you to explore different tools. A solution like Odoo helps companies streamline their customer relationship management and enterprise resource planning. Especially for CRM, Odoo has tools for reporting leads from website or WordPress blog, actively arranging meetings for converting leads, using reporting dashboard for reviewing sales performance and closing deals efficiently. Many businesses are using Odoo for not only managing leads and closing deals but also using tools like online forms to gather more leads from their online store, social media, or website.

Why Odoo Gravity Forms Integration is ideal for Lead Generation and Nurturing?

All in all, Odoo is ideal for your business because it offers integration like Odoo Gravity Forms Integration. It is a robust software which will help you not only manage your sales, customer relationship processes, arrange meetings, sending documentation and quotes but also improve your lead management process. This is why Techloyce has a team of Odoo consultants who have been helping businesses customize and utilize Odoo platform for better and improved CRM. Our services also include making sure that you are maximizing your use of Odoo with flexible integrations like Odoo Integration with Gravity Forms which will monumentally automate your leads generation process.

So how Gravity Forms Integration does with Odoo works and what can I do for your business? So, Gravity Forms is a WordPress plugin which creates forms on your blog with countless templates, standard fields, drag and drop form elements, and creates automated workflow in Odoo for data sync every time any visitor fills out the form in your WordPress blog. This way, it will be easier to generate and nurture leads via Gravity Forms Integration with Odoo. With automated workflow, every time a form submission is made on your blog, a lead would be generated in Odoo CRM thanks to Odoo Gravity Forms Integration. With our expert consultancy, your lead generation will quickly result in sales with Techloyce and use Odoo Integration with Gravity Forms today.

Manage Forms on your WordPress blog

Gravity Fields allows you to create interactive and professional forms in the visual editor and then easily embed it on your WordPress blog. You can even choose which fields should be added to decide what contact information you want from your leads. Conditional logic is also offered in Gravity Fields, which helps in controlling what fields are viewable to your leads and tailoring your forms is easier. Managing forms on your WordPress blogs also involves receiving email notifications, partially saving forms so your customers can come back to fill out your forms. Moreover, you can also allow your customer to upload and send documents through these forms. Limiting and scheduling forms so you can receive form entries during a specific period of time or number of entries. Moreover, Odoo Integration with Gravity Forms will also allow your customers to fill out and view forms in any mobile device.

Sync your Submission with Odoo CRM

For your CRM related and sales processes, Odoo Integration with Gravity Forms is ideal because it ensures that your entries are automatically synchronized between both applications. So, if you are using WordPress blogs for publishing online content, then Gravity Forms Integration with Odoo is ideal for your sales representatives who can easily manage lead generation and nurture them in Odoo. Moreover, especially crucial in this case is field mapping. This feature allows you to decide which field will be linked with your CRM contact fields in Odoo. You will be able to view all of your leads in the sales cycle in the Odoo dashboard from where you can decide to nurture, which leads and when to contact them. Hence, Gravity Forms Integration with Odoo will help you in visualizing your sales goals and partnering with Techloyce will ensure seamless integration.