
Odoo EventBrite Integration

Techloyce has yet again something useful for its business clients. We have brought another powerful integration for all of you. This time it is Oddo EventBrite integration. Before we get into the details of this connector. We would like to give an overview of the two tools. So that you all can have a crystal clear understanding of the EventBrite integration with Odoo through this article. So let’s observe Odoo platform followed by EventBrite.


It is the most powerful open-source platform with forty-two applications for different purposes embedded under one platform. Millions of users utilize Odoo services to grow their business, revenue and customer relations. The range of applications developed by Odoo includes CRM, e-commerce, accounting, manufacturing, sales, human resources, project management and many more. Odoo mainly targets four sections such as websites, sales, operations, and productivity and provides multiple tools or subs applications under these four sections. Currently, Odoo has 4.5 million users. Their mission is to provide software without any complication. Also, their main motive is to provide businesses with multiple applications under one roof. So that they do not switch to other platforms for executing their day-to-day operations.


It is event management, registration, and ticketing platform made especially for businesses who find managing an event and sales a troublesome task. Eventbrite makes it simple for businesses to manage, promote, sell and create their events through its platform.  Eventbrite has made the registration process easier for businesses. Through EventBrite you can register as many events and conferences as you want and can seamlessly manage all of them with minimal clicks. Businesses can also see their data in real-time can also modify their event prices and other details. With real-time access, businesses can also increase their visitors into customers four times faster than the E-commerce industry. That’s not all, EventBrite has made things simpler for you. For instance, if you have created an event and busy managing it and totally forget about the tickets for it. Then you do not need to worry. With EventBrite you can create and sell tickets online without any hassle. With EventBrite you can delight your users with a simple purchase flow and amazingly created event pages that look great on any device. You can start selling tickets in minutes with a simple set-up process. Track sales in real-time from any device with all-time access to more than 15 different reports and chart views to help your organization keep track of the metrics that matter.

Odoo, Eventbrite and Techloyce – an optimum solution!

By combining these two most popular tools, you can easily manage all the aspects of creating, planning and executing an event successfully.

Techloyce and Odoo Integration with EventBrite

We at Techloyce connect apps like Eventbrite and Odoo for people who do not have the time to learn to code. We have tons of great uses for Odoo and Eventbrite, so get in touch with us today and enjoy professional developers’ service anytime. Being official Odoo Partners, we have been serving our customers worldwide.