
Odoo ERP Developers in Malaysia

Synchronize Your Business Process Remotely with our Odoo ERP Developer in Malaysia

Enterprise resource planning plays an important role in business operations for any company. Nowadays, small and large businesses are integrating efficient solutions to streamline their business procedures. One of them is Odoo ERP, and with the help of Odoo ERP Developer, companies are implementing their ideal ERP platform to manage their sales, CRM, accounting, HR, Helpdesk, product management, website, and team productivity tools like project planning. Considering the COVID outbreak in Malaysia, using a platform like Odoo ERP allows businesses to resume their business without having to worry about functionality. So if you are a business owner looking to increase business productivity in this climate, then Odoo ERP Developer in Malaysia powered by Techloyce can help you run operations on this cloud-based platform.

Odoo ERP Developers and a team of expert consultants at Techloyce have been customizing and configuring this ERP software. As an official partner, we are have combined years of experience and working with a client in Malaysia as well as around the world to offer better customization of the Odoo ERP software. Now with the constant lockdown, our clients in Malaysia can function the same as before, thanks to the centralization of all their business procedures on ERP platform. What sets our Odoo ERP Developer in Malaysia apart is our understanding that companies need to be prepared for unforeseen circumstances and should have a platform that allows them to follow the best market practices. So how can working remotely and continuing the same level of business productivity be helped by Odoo ERP Developers? Simple. Just like businesses who have sought services of our Odoo ERP Developers in Malaysia you too can collaborate with Techloyce to discuss possibilities for customization of ERP tools to suit your sales, marketing, product management, inventory, and team management processes.

Odoo Customization Services

Our Odoo ERP Developers are dedicated to your Business

Our process is simple and hassles free. It involves understanding your business goals, devising a plan for customization, implementing that plan after acquiring resources, ensuring seamless integration with other applications, and then training your teams who are going to work with this software. We can assure you that once you have started using Odoo ERP, it will reduce the time and effort needed to manage and track different business processes throughout the day. The best part is, just like our other clients in Malaysia and throughout the world, you do not have to worry about working remotely. This software can integrate third-party applications as well as Slack for better communication amongst team members. Nonetheless, Odoo ERP Developers in Malaysia can connect you with productivity tools that are best suited for work from home like, Odoo documents which allow you to streamline workflow for the approval process, generating invoices, and sharing documents online across departments. This way all your work will be available online for you to access remotely from any part of the world.

Stay Connected With Your Team Remotely With Productivity Tools

Other tools that you can get to include in your customized platform with Odoo ERP Developers include Odoo Planning. This tool will play an integral part in your remote functioning as it has a Gantt chart for daily scheduling tasks, employee assignments, and forecasting project development. With these tools, assigning work and keeping track of cross-department exchange is easy. When your teams are working seamlessly then arranging online meetings on Odoo meeting with embedded Google Calendar is easy. On top of these tools, there is Odoo Timesheet which combines employee tasks, resources, and generating invoices for a billable time in one dashboard. Our Odoo ERP Developers in Malaysia will make sure that you are fully maximizing usage of these tools so your business operations can continue uninterrupted. Our extensive process of customization and integration will allow perfect synchronization with your other software tools.

Once you have these tools for sharing the document, assigning tasks, managing employee requests, approval process, and online meetings, gaining insight into your business health. That is made possible with Odoo Survey. Client communication is more critical than ever in these times. You want to make sure that their expectations are met. From designing surveys, to gaining feedback and appraisals, you will always stay abreast of how your business is performing. So if you are located in areas of extreme and prolonged lockdown like Malaysia then you can contact our Odoo ERP Developer in Malaysia. Our team understands the dire situation businesses are facing with losing business and increased losses. That is why we offer cloud-based and robust Odoo ERP integration to help businesses in this dire situation.