
SugarCRM Integration with RightSignature

SugarCRM Integration with RightSignature—Empower Business Correspondence with E-Signatures

Eliminating the needs for the hardcopies and physical access to the records, paperless documentation becomes the essential need for all business conduct and correspondence.

To further empower business correspondence and bring authority, authenticity, and credibility in the exchange of paperless documentation and reporting, e-signatures have emerged as one of the most required paperless solutions for businesses.

Why Use E-Signatures?

An electronic signature or e-signature is the electronic form of the signature saved in any application and is used by the signatory to provide quick authentication to an electronic document with a legally unique identifiable mark.

Today, the e-signatures are used everywhere from private documents to legal dealings and business transactions o government affairs. They are legally considered as authentic as the handwritten signatures made using pen and paper. But, they need to fulfill the criteria set for their acceptability and authenticity.

In the age of AI and online business communications, e-signatures are not only needed, but they are also required to be available 24/7/365 with security and reliability.

RightSignature SugarCRM Integration

RightSignature is one of the safer, faster, and reliable e-signature solutions that businesses, officials, and executives are using for all their business, legal, and other significant communication purposes.

E-signatures are more valuable when you are communicating with your customers, work colleagues, team members, or employees. And, the best way to securely automate the e-signatures for such communications and correspondence is to integrate the e-signatures with the CRM.


It is a smart way to make safe e-signature available every time.

The SMBs and Enterprises using SugarCRM can leverage with the integration of RightSignature.

RightSignature integration with CRM not only automates the e-signatures, but it also facilitates the embedding of the e-signatures across the electronic documents including the complicated forms, websites, and others.

Why RightSignature SugarCRM Integration?

RightSignature integration with SugarCRM ensures safer and more secure electronic signatures than traditional handwritten signatures on paper documents.

The integration not only ensures electronic signature, but it also saves the traceable information on who signed the document, or when and where the document is signed. It drives more reliability in the authenticity of the electronic documents, electronically, signed by the signatory.

Electronic signatures by RightSignature are legally binding and are compliant with the US and International e-Signature Laws, the Federal E-SIGN Act, UETA, and other laws around the world define legal e-signatures.

RightSignature offers electronic signatures that are simple and easy to use. You can create or upload an online document, declare the signers, and can receive the authenticated and signed document from anywhere and anytime within a few seconds by sharing a link with the recipients.

Clicking on a link and hitting a button is all you need to make online signatures available for any documentation purpose.

How to Integrate RightSignature with SugarCRM?

RightSignature offers a powerful electronic signature API to integrate online document signing into your web applications or business process. With RightSignature integration with CRM, you can simply automate signature requests or embed RightSignature documents on your website, instantly.

To connect SugarCRM with RightSignature, all you need is an account with the RightSignature. Request an API and manage your API credentials.

The other way to integrate RightSignature or any other application into your platform is to consult with Techloyce.

Techloyce consultants are here to further make e-signatures applicable and comfortable for you, your managers, and other stakeholders connected to a CRM.

Our experts can integrate RightSignature along with an online documents suite or any other application into your SugarCRM and can make it more efficient and productive as a simple, reliable, and accessible one-stop solution.