
5 Reasons to Implement SugarCRM

CRM implementation and deployment in every industrial sector is influenced by a number of factors. Businesses paving the way to faster growth and high business revenue are looking for well-structured solutions that employ innovation and meet the actual targets of businesses. Although different businesses involve different methods and processes, the need for tools and applications in their systems might also vary however, the ultimate goals of businesses remain persistent. This is the reason they call out for a customer management system (CRM) to manage all the internal and external business operations and workflow efficiency.

While implementing a CRM system, the first step the companies do is ensure that they have done enough homework to choose the modules they need in the CRM. this would help businesses get a tailored business solution that aligns with their business requirements. The CRM adopters lack planning due to which the decision for CRM implementation becomes tough to address system needs.

This article defines five reasons to implement the SugarCRM platform today.


CRM systems tend to automate regular business operations. Multiple departments in an organization are easily incorporated into one CRM system from where workflow efficiency can be ensured. Whether it is the leads and sales department, HR management, project management, marketing, or development, all in a centralized interface introduce efficiency in the operations. Automation of routine processes eliminates the overhead of manual tasks and saves both time and resources. Efficiency is thus one reason that is making SugarCRM implementation a must for businesses.


Management of tasks and data in an automated manner is the most significant reason for implementing SugarCRM. An organization is supposed to manage highly sensitive and useful data of both the customers and company. It makes data access, edit, and updates easy for businesses. Thus, management of data, order, leads, sales, social media, project development, and employee data management could be ensured through one platform.



Data consolidation is critically important for businesses to get an overview of all data at once. Through efficient data management, businesses are able to easily access and manage the data by visualizing it through a 360-degree view. From data storage to synthesizing, and presentation, SugarCRM provides complete assistance to businesses. With the increasingly spreading communication network in the digital space, there exist various platform, from which a CRM system gathers data and show them in a unified interface that helps in better data interpretation, understanding, and analysis.

Decision Making

Today, innovative business solutions have made decision making easy for businesses. Where on one hand, efficiency and automation are two primary components for the implementation of SugarCRM, on the other hand, decision making maps the success of your business. The high-end CRM software today incorporate the intelligent algorithms of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning that give useful insights to businesses in making dynamic decisions. For instance, businesses can determine the revenue forecast details and can make decisions with respect to the investments and the new strategies that could help improve the performance of a business.

Read: SugarCRM Analytics Tightening the Reins on Rational Decision Making

Seamless Workflow

There are multiple operational modules in an organization. Some modules are interconnected with each other to define business success. SugarCRM implementation ensures a seamless business workflow such that it helps automate certain business operations in a highly efficient manner.

Read: Boost Up your Business Workflow with SugarCRM Implementation and Automation Capabilities

Steps to Deploy SugarCRM Software

The following are some steps that a business can take in order to deploy SugarCRM software.

1. Plan your System Framework

This is the very first step towards the deployment of the SugarCRM platform. In this step, businesses should first plan the architecture of the system. Based on the framework, the modules of the system are defined that ultimately help streamline the workflow.

2. Mapping of Business Processes

Business processes should be mapped first to determine which functions and features are part of the system and how CRM would play its role in managing it. Once the processes are identified, it would be easy to determine the CRM modules that you would require.

3. Determine and Evaluate Customer Journey

Customer journey evaluation is the next step in the deployment of the SugarCRM system. It helps go through the system infrastructure to understand what steps are involved in making a smooth customer journey.

4. Identify the Golden Opportunities

SugarCRM employs innovative solutions for businesses. Therefore, the next step s to choose among the golden opportunities SugarCRM provides businesses to grow faster. The enhanced capabilities and features of SugarCRM contribute to the exponential business growth while helping them gain ground in the competitive market.

5. Alignment of Sales and Marketing

The sales and marketing department of an organization can be automated with the help of the SugarCRM platform. Businesses must align the sales and marketing dynamics according to the CRM system. This will help them streamline the entire module of sales and marketing and the factors associated with it in the CRM system.

6. Optimize the User Experience

Optimization of user experience is a crucial step to take into consideration by businesses when it comes to deploying SugarCRM. The business workflow should be determined to provide an enhanced customer experience. For this, the CRM system has the capability of integrating solutions that add to the streamlined workflow.

7. Determine the Tools and Sources

The last step of SugarCRM deployment is to determine the third-party apps and tools that could help the CRM system multiply its functionality by giving convenience and work maximization to the businesses. The useful apps thus help deliver a huge return on investment that ultimately empowers the system and business revenue.

Also Read: SugarCRM Integrations – One Size Fits All Solution for SMBs